only man to have not just one, but two codrivers in his truck, one on either side of Sohren was primarily known as “Pistol the centered steering wheel, because two is Pete”, with a 6’2” stature accompanied by an obviously better than one. His truck the road ultimately changed following the news brightest shade of yellow was held together of iconic trophy truck driver, Pete Sohren, on hope, duct tape and bailing wire, yet he succumbing to injuries while off-roading with was a reigning champion in the desert. In a world of Snap On Tools, Pete day, time simply stood still as our lives in off was the King of Harbor Freight. Two years ago, and some change, the He was an average guy, racing in the off road community was shocked as a prominent and expensive trophy truck class wave was felt ripping throughout the tightly who made his voice heard not only through knit desert community, bringing everyone his comments but his driving skills on the to their knees in disbelief.